This photo was taken at Viqueen Lodge on Sinclair island. Me and my fellow Viking Union BM's and supervisors went on a two day, one night retreat for training. We were given a spectacular array of colors and clouds for the sunset. Sinclair island is a small island in the San Juans. The island has no electricity or running water, only a few cabins and a grass air strip. Western Washington University owns property on this island and allows students and alumni to "rent" the space for a couple of days. This place is incredibly popular among western students, so popular a lottery system is used to select who gets rights to use the lodge.
I cannot articulate the beauty in which this island harbors. At times I felt as if I was in the English back country and others as if I was watching the sunset from Hawaii. Fresh, plump, sweet, and sour blackberries line the dirt/gravel roads, madronas spot the island with a colorful auburn/brown mixture on their smooth bark, rock outcroppings spray with the soft crash of puget sound waves....My only suggestion is to go for yourself and experience it in person. Overall, the trip was excellent, granted with good company trips such as these are always memorable.
This photo is of my good friend David. I was just over at his place hanging out and snapped a couple photos off. Thought I would include one with this post as well. The shot didn't turn out how I envisioned it in my head, but it came relatively close. I guess it's one of those things...always striving for the perfect picture.
Hey Chadd, it doesn't look like this blog is still being used but I thought I'd try to contact you anyway. I'm currently designing a flyer for Viqueen Lodge and am having trouble finding high-quality imagery to use. Your sunset photo is just wonderful and I was hoping you'd allow usage to help the Outdoor Center get the word out about the lodge! Thanks!