
Beacon Hill

Monday, February 13, 2012

Locust @ night

Decided to go and take some night shots down at locust. Nothing too special, lots of light pollution so couldn't really see the stars too well.  I'm gonna try to get out of town soon and maybe I'll be able to post some shots that don't have much light pollution. Perhaps next weekend?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Open Mic

So, today I got the privilege of watching two of my good friends perform at an open mic session at a local venue called Honey Moon.  This is my first time going to this place and apparently it is the hardest place in bellingham to find if you've never been before.  Well worth it though.  When I walked in the place was packed.  This place by no means is large.  It has a maximum of 12 tables and a little standing room.  The bar is small, but extremely homey. This place is unique, in the sense that they serve only mead and cider.  The food selection is limited as well.  Well here are a few photos from the night! enjoy

This is the for 3-5 people..maybe.

The throne, of course before the performance.

Men of the Hour...Azlan ann David.

Thanks for looking at the pics! I'll probably post some more up next month of the next random adventure!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I decided to try out some time-lapse photog. This is my first try at it. the resolution is small, I tried to upload the 1080p but it wouldn't allow it because of file size. If this one doesn't come out good I'll repost with higher quality. So, this is a 2.5 hour time lapse of what a slow day at work looks like. enjoy.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why I love the Pacific Northwest

This photo was taken at Viqueen Lodge on Sinclair island.  Me and my fellow Viking Union BM's and supervisors went on a two day, one night retreat for training.  We were given a spectacular array of colors and clouds for the sunset.  Sinclair island is a small island in the San Juans.  The island has no electricity or running water, only a few cabins and a grass air strip.  Western Washington University owns property on this island and allows students and alumni to "rent" the space for a couple of days.  This place is incredibly popular among western students, so popular a lottery system is used to select who gets rights to use the lodge. 

I cannot articulate the beauty in which this island harbors.  At times I felt as if I was in the English back country and others as if I was watching the sunset from Hawaii.  Fresh, plump, sweet, and sour blackberries line the dirt/gravel roads, madronas spot the island with a colorful auburn/brown mixture on their smooth bark, rock outcroppings spray with the soft crash of puget sound waves....My only suggestion is to go for yourself and experience it in person.  Overall, the trip was excellent, granted with good company trips such as these are always memorable.
This photo is of my good friend David.  I was just over at his place hanging out and snapped a couple photos off.  Thought I would include one with this post as well.  The shot didn't turn out how I envisioned it in my head, but it came relatively close.  I guess it's one of those things...always striving for the perfect picture.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

She's a Girl!

Over the weekend I was given the chance to attend my sisters baby shower and snap a couple of photos while playing all the games and socializing.  I was one of three guys at this event (the babies daddy, grandpa, and me the brother) we were vastly outnumbered by estrogen.  I ended up manning the grill for the first hour of the party.  Anyways I cannot express my excitement enough about becoming an uncle for the first time and the adventure my sister is going to have in the coming years.  Here are some of the pics! enjoy.
Baby Jasmine 8/27/2011
This photo was taken during a game when the guests try to guess how round my sister by guessing a length of string.  Whoever comes the closest wins a prize.  You can see my sister posing sideways while one of her guests (alicia I think) is guessing a length of string.

James opening presents

In this photo is James, Jasmines daddy, opening presents with my sister.  Jasmine was spoiled with presents to say the least.  As a side note, if you click on the picture it'll give you a full view and better quality than this small picture, just found this out.

This is the one of my more favorite "artistic" pictures taken from the event.  Usually the colors would have been pink, but pink wasn't a color the couple liked.  Purple was used instead.  There were purple, cupcakes, tables, pins, banners, ribbons, etc.  Purple this, purple that, purple everywhere!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Picture of the Day 8/13/2011

This is a photo shot today in downtown Seattle at an event hosted by a company called over the edge.  This is the Rainer Tower in Seattle where over 80 participants who raised over 1000$ per participant for the Special Olympics rappelled this 512 foot tower.  Some participants were much more creative in costumes than others, ranging from batwoman, superwoman, to zebra man pictured above.  I chose this photo as my photo of the day because of the over exposure affect.  The photo creates a sense of being lowered from the heavens by a rope.

As a volunteer at this event I helped belay for 12 hours.  A benefit of this position was talking to participants as they reached the bottom.  Pictured above is one of the participants who rappelled the tower just minutes earlier.  We had an awesome belay team at today's event, which made everything run super smooth.  One of the best moments was when an overly ecstatic participant reached the bottom and as I went to release his gear he gave me a huge hug because he was so happy that we were there enabling the experience he just went through.  Very satisfying.