
Beacon Hill

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Picture of the Day 8/13/2011

This is a photo shot today in downtown Seattle at an event hosted by a company called over the edge.  This is the Rainer Tower in Seattle where over 80 participants who raised over 1000$ per participant for the Special Olympics rappelled this 512 foot tower.  Some participants were much more creative in costumes than others, ranging from batwoman, superwoman, to zebra man pictured above.  I chose this photo as my photo of the day because of the over exposure affect.  The photo creates a sense of being lowered from the heavens by a rope.

As a volunteer at this event I helped belay for 12 hours.  A benefit of this position was talking to participants as they reached the bottom.  Pictured above is one of the participants who rappelled the tower just minutes earlier.  We had an awesome belay team at today's event, which made everything run super smooth.  One of the best moments was when an overly ecstatic participant reached the bottom and as I went to release his gear he gave me a huge hug because he was so happy that we were there enabling the experience he just went through.  Very satisfying.

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